Friday, July 30, 2010

.... one for Ange, and Meg, and those who want to know..

Yes, I really do exist, although there is normally not much in the way of photographic evidence. And yes Ange, I did really get a haircut! I think I've brushed it about three times since.

Mark has been on a mission to add some photos of me to the family album (thanks Meg!). However these are a severely edited selection.  Getting this together makes me appreciate the never-ending patience of the man!


Meg Lipscombe said...

So pleased that you have finally made an appearance!!! Your really are the new haircut, guess it feels so fantastically cool.
Take care..Meg

Nikki Elisabeth said...

Omigoodness look how tanned you are!!


Jute said...

Was that mark taking those? I thought it would be paparazzi following you round.

Unknown said...

missed you jenny. Please say hi to your handsome men :)